
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vote - Help us choose!!!

We've decided that we need your valuable input. We like two backgrounds and can't quite decide between them. I'll give everyone a month to decide which is better. You can vote on the right hand side of the blog.

First up...Blue with Plaid. Since I am the one that does the posting, the colors have to be masculine enough for me to be at ease. Here is option #1.

Our #2 choice is Purple with Frogs. It says something about frogs belonging in little boys pocket's. Very cute, but again we're afraid of being a little boy-centric. Let us know what you think and help us make our decision.

1 comment:

Vika said...

okay I like the first one, I know I said the 2nd one but I'm scared of frogs so yeah the first one will be nice