
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fun Times

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Right after work Adrienne and I both went running to train for the Triathlon. I'm glad we are starting with this shorter one to get into the whole swing of things. I was really excited because I was able to finish a 5K without walking or stopping for the first fact it took less than 31 minutes.

After we ran it was time to go to my company's summer party. It's always fun to get together with everyone's families. We kicked around a soccer ball for a while and later played volleyball. Of course there was a potluck. The food was great.

Adrienne is coming to my office after lunch to start our picture collage. We have a bunch of photos picked out and one of the graphics designers at my office is going to help us put it together. Also, we get to do our home inspection with our Case Worker at 4:30 this afternoon. I'm excited to find out what we need to do to get our home ready. We've already bought door handle covers, outlet covers, a safety gate and a fire extinguisher.

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