We took a weekend trip down to St George and stayed with some old friends. When I say old, I've known them since I was 9 years old. I was even at their house when my little sister was born. We stayed with Allen and Tammy (the parents) but most of the kids live down there now as well.
Friday night we went to the Tuacahn Theater and saw Tarzan the Musical. It was amazing, fantastic, exciting, phenomenal....you get the idea. Just imagine an outdoor amphitheater surrounded by beautiful red rock cliffs with a natural river that can be diverted to flood the stage. Apes swinging all over the place, people singing, dancing, fun for everyone. I think I was most impressed with Turk. Imagine swinging upside down, while spinning, and STILL SINGING ON KEY. It truly was impressive.
Saturday was a free pass day at all National Parks. We drove up to Zion's with my friend Brad and we (Adrienne, Brad, and I) all hiked Angel's Landing together. The guy who named the peak said that to get to the top someone would need "angel's wings". Here's a couple shots from the hike.
This first shot makes it look much worse than it is. This shows approximately the last fourth of the hike (time wise). You have posts and chains to hold onto and the footing is very solid.

This is one of the views from the top. Absolutely gorgeous. If you look closely you can see the buildings at the start of the hike waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below.

Here's one with Ade immitating the warning sign. I've even got Brad looking on behind her to the left.

Last, but not least, here is Brad on a part of the trail that is called "Walt's Wiggle". It's a series of small, but extremely steep switchbacks at about the halfway point. I've seen pictures of it from above and it looks kind of like a zipper. I had to include it in honor of my dear Grandpa (who's first name was Walt).